Protein Structure and Function Last updated Sep 3, 2021 Save as PDF The OEX, pheophytin A (PHO) and plastoquinone A (PL9) in photosystem II from Thermostichus vulcanus (3WU2) 3-10helix from dienelactone hydrolase (1DIN) Page ID67696 ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 3-10helix from dienelactone hydrolase (1DIN)Aanti-arsonate germline antibody 36-65 in complex with a phage display derived dodecapeptide KLASIPTHTSPL without added hydrogens (2A6I)Actin-Myosin-Tropomyosin ADP complex (6X5Z)Activated NAIP2-NLRC4 inflammasome (3JBL)Alignment of sperm whale myoglobin (1MBO, cyan) and soy leghemoglobin (1BIN, magenta)Allosterically Switchable De Novo Protein sr322 In Closed State (8UTM))Alpha-Beta protein Two layer sandwich - HIV-1 Nef-SF2 Core Domain (4U5W)Alpha-Beta Three layer sandwich (aba) - Human biliverdin IX beta reductase (1hdo)alpha-loop-alpha: Secondary Structure Motifalpha-MoRF Proteinase Inhibitor IA3 bound to Proteinase A (1DP5)AlphaFold ID Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1) (P13688)AlphaFold predicted model of human oxidized LDL receptor - LOX1 (P78380)AlphaFold predicted structure of the human microtubule-associated protein tau (P10636)AlphaFold predicted structure of the yeast SIC1 protein (P38634)AlphaFold structure of Tick saliva Glycine Rich Protein (Q4PME3)Alpha helix from bacteriophage T4 lysozyme (1DYG)Alpha protein-Orthogonal bundles-ZbetaDomain_RNA-editing Enzyme_ADAR1_(1xmk)Alpha protein, Updown bundles: Phospholipase A2 from Agkistrodon acutus venom (1mc2)AL amyloid fibril from a lambda 3 light chain in conformation A (6Z1O)AL amyloid light chain dimeric protein from cardiac amyloidosis 5L6QAmyloid-beta fibril structure from Alzheimer's disease brain tissue (6W0O)Amyloid fibril of full-length human prion protein (6LNI)Amyloid fibril structure of alpha-synuclein determined by cryo-electron microscopy (6A6B)Anticoagulant slow form (1SGI) and the procoagulant sodium-bound fast form of thrombin (1SG8)An ι-MoRF, Amphiphysin, bound to α-adaptin C (1KY7)Asp 70 (D70) in T4 Lysoszyme (2b6z)Avidin-Biotin Complex (2AVI)A β-MoRF, viral protein pVIc, bound to Human Adenovirus 2 Proteinase (1AVP)A buried phenyalanine in low molecular weight protein tyrosyl phosphatase (1xww)A chain of human deoxyhemoglobin (2HHB)A chain of human oxyhemoglobin (1HHO)A complex-MoRF β-amyloid precursor protein (βAPP) bound to the PTB domain of the neuron specific protein X11 (1X11)A Heterodimer: Reverse transcriptase (1rev)Beta-alpha-beta structure from triose phosphate isomerase (1amk)Beta hairpin from bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (1k6u)Beta helix from the C-terminal fragment of the phage T4 GP5 (4osd)Beta protein Roll: Second SH3 domain from ponsin (2O9S)Beta protein Sandwich - Mcg immunoglobulin light chain variable domain (4unu)Biological assembly and the asymmetric unit of the tetrameric fibrinogen-like recognition domain of FIBCD (6ZR4)C2 symmetry - alcohol dehydrogenase (1HSO): homo 2-merC3 Symmetry - porin (2POR), homo 3-merC4 Symmetry - neuramindase (2HTY), homo 4-merC7 symmetry - Hsp60-Hsp10 chaperonin complex (6MRD) Calcium-free calmodulin 1CFDCapsid trimer from Paramecium bursaria Chlorella virus 1 (1M4X)Carboxpeptidase - 2 peptide bonds (2CTC)Cation-pi or ion-induced dipole interaction in hen egg white lysozye (1LPI)Comparison of the GLIC pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channel from Gloeobacter Violaceus in the closed (3TLV) to the open state (3LSV)Comparison of the T and R states of bacterial L-lactate dehydrogenase with bound NAD and allosteric activator F6PComparison of the T tense (4FYW) and R (1D09) relaxed state of asparatate transcarbamylase (ATCase)Cryo-EM structure of a transthyretin-derived amyloid fibril from a patient with hereditary ATTR amyloidosis (6SDZ)CryoEM structure of human tau-tubulin (7PQC)Curli transport lipoprotein CsgG (4uv3) for DNA nanapore sequencingCytotoxic ribonuclease alpha-sarcin (1DE3)D2 Symmetry - phosphofructokinase (4XYJ), homo 4-merD3 symmetry - asparatate carbamoyltransferase (1Q95) hetero 12-mer (A6B6)D5 symmetry - glutamine synthetase( 2OJW) homo 10-merDeoxymyoglobin (1mwd)Designed Influenza HA binder, HA_20, bound to Influenza HA (8SK7)Designed modular protein oligomer C6-79 (8f6r)Designed modular protein oligomer C8-71 (8f6q)Dimeric XCL1 (lymphotactin PDB 2JP1)Dimer of a Type I and Type II alpha-keratin backbonesDimer of a Type I and Type II alpha-keratin backbones in spacefill (6JFV)E.coli LigT complexed with 3'-AMP (5LDO)Electrostatic Potential Surface of Superoxide Dismutase (2sod)Extracellular C-type lectin-like domain of dimeric human Lox-1 (1YPQ)Ferritin - Fe ion storage protein (1fha)Few Secondary Structures - HIV-1 TAT (Transactivating) Protein (1JFW)Few Secondary Structures - Rat rat metallothionein-2 (4MT2)Full-length human lambda-6A light chain dimer showing IgG fold domains (6mg4)F Actin (6bno)GP130 (IL6 coreceptor) in complex with a de novo designed IL-6 mimetic (8UPA)Greek Key Motif from Staphlococcal Nuclease (2sns)GroEL-GroES (1pcq)Haloaminopyrimidine inhibitor bound to c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase (JNK) (2P33)Heme, Distal, and Proximal His of human oxyhemoglobin (1HHO)Heme and Distal-Prox His of A chain of human deoxyhemoglobin (2HHB)Hemoglobin S Tetramer (1hbs)Hen Egg White Lysozome_Fab Complex (3HFM)Heterodimeric imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase complex (7AC8)hirudin-thrombin complex (4HTC)HIV capsid hexamer bound to Lenacapaviar (GS-6207) 6V2FHolo human calmodulin D20-E21 without calciumHolo human calmodulin D20-E21 WITH calciumHomodimer of T cell receptor delta chain (1tvd)Human angiogenin - placental ribonuclease inhibitor complex (1A4Y)Human erythrocyte catalase (monomer) showing hydrophobic constricture leading to active site (1DGF)Human fibrinogen (3ghg)Human heavy-chain ferritin monomer with bound Fe (4zjk)Human hSTING mutant R232K in complex with 2',3'-cGAMP (6Y99)Human human light chain ferritin with possible nuclear site for mineralization (5LG8)human oxy-hemoglobin (2dn1)Human thrombin (3U69)Human TRiC/CCT complex with reovirus outer capsid protein sigma-3 (7LUP)Hydrophobic cluster around Val 143 in human carbonic anhydrase II (4ca2)Hydroxynitrile lyase (5Y02)IgG2a monoclonal antibody (1IGT)IgG2a monoclonal antibody Light Chain (1IGT) Ig Domain in SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein (6VXX)Inactive (nonextended) conformation of myosin heavy chain (6xe9)Interactions of a phosphorylated pSIC1 peptide with key residues in Cdc4 from a ScSkp1-ScCdc4-pSic1 peptide complex (3V7D)Intimin-190 (Int190) from Enteropathogenic E. coliLight chain mouse immunoglobulin G (4hdi)Mature HIV-1 capsid structure (3J3Q)MHC class II molecule HLA-DQ8 bound with a deamidated gluten peptide from Alpha/beta-gliadin MM1 (2NNA)MHC Class I heavy chain - beta-2-microglobulin - vesicular stomatitis virus nucleoprotein peptide complex (2VAA)MicelleMonomeric wheat gliadin (P18573)Monomeric XCL1 (lymphotactin, PDB 2HDM)Mouse cGAS bound to an 18bp DNA and cGAS (4lez)Mouse Toll-like receptor 3 ectodomain complexed with double-stranded RNA (3CIY)N-terminal part (domain) of the Bombyx mori fibroin silk protein (pdb = 3UA0)Neck and motor domains of dimeric Kinesin-3 KIF13B from rat (6A1Z)NLRP3 double-ring cage, 6-fold (12-mer) (7LFH)NMR structure of a pathogenic fibril of full-length human alpha-synuclein (2N0A)Oxy-Heme in Human Hemoglobin (6BB5)Paired Helical Tau Filament from Alzheimer's Disease Human Brain TissueParallel beta barrel from the triose phosphate isomerase (1WYI)Parallel beta sheet from the arabinose binding protein (1ABE)Pentameric helical bundle protein (8U5W)Pi helix from beta-D-glucan glucohydrolase (1x38)Pi stacking interactions in the protein arginine kinase (1M15)Pi stacking in B-DNArabbit F-Actin-ADP complex (2ZWG)RNase with four intrachain disulfide bonds (1KF5)Rossman fold of malate dehydrogenase (5KKA) from E. ColiSalt bridge between Asp 67 and Lys 69 in human lysozyme (1REX)Secondary Structure Motif - EF Hand from Calmodulin Sec Complex from yeast (6ND1)Seven-bladed beta propeller from the C-terminal domain of Tup1 (1ERJ)Singlet Tau fibril from corticobasal degeneration human brain tissue (6VHA)Sodium ion binding site in tryptophan synthase from Salmonella typhimurium (6dz4)Sulfate bound to sulfate binding protein from S. typhimurium (1sbp)Surrounding environment of Asp 26 (D26) in E. Coli thioredoxin (5HR2)T-cell receptor alpha-beta chains binding to MHC Class 1 protein with a bound peptide (6rp9)Tcell receptor-HLA DQ8-gliadin peptide complex in Celiac Disease (4GG6)Template for hovering iCn3DsTEST 2 CAM CA INTtest CAM 1Tetrameric fibrinogen-like recognition domain of FIBCD (6ZR4)Three domains of the enzyme pyruvate kinase (1pkn)TIM barrel (1WYI)TLR3 human Toll-like receptor 3 (or TLR3)Transferrin (2N and 2C-lobes) binding to the ectodomain of the transferrin receptor (1SUV)Transition state analog 5-(Para-Nitrophenyl Phosphonate)-Fab Complex (1aj7)Triose Phosphate Isomerase from Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei (1KV5) - Active Site ProTriple helical collagen-like peptide (4Z1R)Two Reverse Turns in Hen Egg White Lysozyme (1dpx)Wheat low molecular weight glutenin subunit 1D1 (P10386) X-ray crystal structure of the capsid trimer from Clr-cAMP-DNA complex (7PZB)Zn and inhibitor citric acid binding to carboxypeptidase A (3KGQ)