Lipid and Membrane Structure Last updated Sep 3, 2021 Save as PDF Zn- human carbonic anhydrase II at pH 7.8 and 0 atm CO (6LUW) A and B chains of the bacterial NavMs voltage-gated sodium channel pore and C-terminal domain (5BZB) Page ID67689 ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) AlphaFold predicted structure of human Apo A4 (P02649)AlphaFold predicted structure of human Apo E (P02649)A and B chains of the bacterial NavMs voltage-gated sodium channel pore and C-terminal domain (5BZB)Beta-barrel transmembrane protein OPRM - Outer Membrane Factor from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4y1k)Bovine mitochondrial ADP-ATP carrier protein (1okc)Bovine prothrombin Fragment 1 (N terminal) bound to a bilayer through its GLA domain (1NL2)Closed state of the pentameric MscL from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (2oar)de novo designed soluble GPCR-like fold GLF_32 (8OYY)Discoidal HDL (3k2s)Electrostatic surface potential nuclear localization sequence of the imported W protein of the Hendra virus (6bw9)Electrostatic surface potential of the rat Nav1.5 channel (6UZ3)Gap junction channel connecting two membranes using the human connexin 26 monomer (2zw3)GLUT1 bound to the inhibitor cytochalasin B (5eqg)Hexadecanoic acid bound to human albumin (1E7H).hexagonal phase of hexadecanoic acidHuman brain fatty acid-binding protein bound to docosahexaenoic acid (1fdq)Human cannaboid receptor with bound cholesterol and THC (5xra)Human GABA-A receptor alpha1-beta2-gamma2 subtype in complex with GABA and flumazenil - conformation B (6D6T)Human Mitochondrial 3-Ketoacyl-Coa Thiolase (T1) (4C2J)Human mitochondrial enoyl-CoA isomerase (1SG4)Human plasma membrane phospholipid flippase with bound phosphtidylserine (6lkn)Hydrated di16_0 phosphatidycholine bilayerInfluenza Hemagglutinin Trimer (6HJQ)Inward open human monocarboxylate transporter 2 (7BP3)Inward rectifying R186A mutant tetrameric Kir 2.2 channel (3SPG) with four bound PIP2 analogsKey residues in the workings of the Kv1.2 potassium channel (3lut)K ion bound to valinomycinLac permease (1pv7)Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 12 bound to a bilayer.Monomer of the homotetrameric human Mitochondrial 2,4-Dienoyl-Coa Reductase (1W6U)Mouse P-glycoprotein bound to an cyclic peptide inhibitor in the inward open conformation (4M2T)Mouse voltage dependent anion channel - VDAC1 with bound ATP (4c69)Mouse voltage dependent anion channel (VDAC) (3emn)Nicotinic acetylcholine channel with two bound nicotines (6CNJ)Nuclear Pore Channel Core (5a9q)P-glycoprotein multidrug resistance transporter protein (6nf1)Pore formed by cytolysin A (ClyA or HlyE) (2wcd)Potassium channel subfamily K member 4 - TRAAK channel proteinin the closed state (4wff) Open form of the prokaryotic pentameric GLIC (3P50) ion channel with bound propofol (3P50)Propofol interactions in transmembrane domain of the pentameric GLIC ion channel (3P50)Rat cardiac sodium channel NaV1.5C Domain IV/LqhIII toxin complex (7k18)Rat Kv1.2 Potassium Channel (3lut)Rat sodium channel NaV1.5 bound to the LqhIII toxin without a membrane representation (7k18)Rat sodium channel NaV1.5 bound to the LqhIII toxin (7k18)S4 voltage sensor helix in each monomer of the Kv1.2 potassium channel (3lut)Selectivity Filter Kv1.2 potassium channel (3lut)Sodium dodecyl sulfate micelleSurface rending of Domain IV of the rat sodium channel NaV1.5 bound to the LqhIII toxin (7k18)Template for hovering iCn3DsTransmembrane domain with the conserved aromatic amino acids of Mouse P-glycoprotein (4M2T)Transmembrane helix of the cytokine receptor common subunit beta (2NA8)Yeast seipin (7OXP)