12: Immunology Applications
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- 12.2: Immunoassays for Disease
- 12.2A: Immunoassays for Disease
- 12.2B: Antibody Functions
- 12.2C: Serology
- 12.2D: Precipitation Reactions
- 12.2E: Agglutination Reactions
- 12.2F: Neutralization Reaction
- 12.2G: Complement Fixation
- 12.2H: Fluorescent Antibodies
- 12.2I: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
- 12.2J: Immunoblot Procedures
- 12.2K: Tests That Differentiate Between T Cells and B cells
- 12.2L: In Vivo Testing
- 12.2M: The Future of Diagnostic Immunology
Thumbnail: Multiple plantar warts have grown on this toe.