7: Module 4- Prokaryotes Last updated Feb 28, 2021 Save as PDF 6.24: Cerego- History of Life 7.1: Why It Matters- Prokaryotes Page ID43859 ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 7.1: Why It Matters- Prokaryotes7.2: Introduction to Prokaryotic Diversity7.3: Evolutionary History of Prokaryotes7.4: Life in Moderate and Extreme Environments7.5: Culturing Prokaryotes7.6: Prokaryotic Biofilms7.7: Introduction to the Structure of Prokaryotes7.8: The Prokaryotic Cell7.9: Archaea vs. Bacteria7.10: Introduction to Prokaryotic Metabolism7.11: Needs of Prokaryotes7.12: How Prokaryotes Get Energy7.13: Role of Prokaryotes in Ecosystems7.14: Introduction to Bacterial Diseases in Humans7.15: Long History of Bacterial Disease7.16: Biofilms and Foodborne Diseases7.17: Antibiotic Resistance7.18: Introduction to Beneficial Prokaryotes7.19: Nitrogen Fixation7.20: Food from Bacteria7.21: Bioremediation7.22: Microbes and the Human Body7.23: Putting It Together- Prokaryotes7.24: Cerego- Prokaryotes