- and Vanessa are shocked to discover that their toddler Lucas' blood lead level is 10 µg/dL, which is considered high. Since Vanessa is three months pregnant, they are worried about whether Vaness...Paul and Vanessa are shocked to discover that their toddler Lucas' blood lead level is 10 µg/dL, which is considered high. Since Vanessa is three months pregnant, they are worried about whether Vanessa was also exposed to lead. If so, what effects could it have on the developing baby?
- plasma membrane is a structure that forms a barrier between the cytoplasm inside the cell and the environment outside the cell. The membrane protects and supports the cell and controls everything...The plasma membrane is a structure that forms a barrier between the cytoplasm inside the cell and the environment outside the cell. The membrane protects and supports the cell and controls everything that enters and leaves it.
- and RNA are polynucleotides and categorized under Nucleic acids, a type of Macromolecule. They are built of small monomers called nucleotides.
- are substances the body needs for energy, building materials, and control of body processes. There are six major classes of nutrients based on biochemical properties: carbohydrates, proteins...Nutrients are substances the body needs for energy, building materials, and control of body processes. There are six major classes of nutrients based on biochemical properties: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, water, vitamins, and minerals. Fiber, which consists largely of nondigestible carbohydrates, is sometimes added as the seventh class of nutrients.
-’s been called the world’s most successful weed species because it has grown so quickly in numbers and spread so far geographically. Everywhere this species has gone, it has taken over local ecosyst...It’s been called the world’s most successful weed species because it has grown so quickly in numbers and spread so far geographically. Everywhere this species has gone, it has taken over local ecosystems. Is the species in question a weedy plant like the dandelions pictured here? No; that dubious honor has been given to our own species, Homo sapiens.
- weeks ago, 20-year-old Erica came down with symptoms typical of the common cold. She had a runny nose, fatigue, and a mild cough. Her symptoms had been starting to improve, but recently her coug...Three weeks ago, 20-year-old Erica came down with symptoms typical of the common cold. She had a runny nose, fatigue, and a mild cough. Her symptoms had been starting to improve, but recently her cough has been getting worse. She is coughing up a lot of thick mucus, her throat is sore from frequent coughing, and her chest feels very congested. According to her grandmother, Erica has a “chest cold.” Erica is a smoker and wonders if her habit is making her cough worse. She decides that it is time
- and Daris are expecting their first child. They are excited for the baby to arrive, but they are nervous as well. Will the baby be healthy?
- chapter outlines the organization of the human body and describes human cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and body cavities. It also explains how organ systems interact and how feedback mech...This chapter outlines the organization of the human body and describes human cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and body cavities. It also explains how organ systems interact and how feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis in the body.
- immune system is a host defense system. It comprises many biological structures —ranging from individual white blood cells to entire organs — as well as many complex biological processes. The func...The immune system is a host defense system. It comprises many biological structures —ranging from individual white blood cells to entire organs — as well as many complex biological processes. The function of the immune system is to protect the host from pathogens and other causes of disease such as tumor cells. To function properly, the immune system must be able to detect a wide variety of pathogens.
- all living cells have certain things in common, different types of cells, even within the same organism, may have their unique structures and functions. Cells with different functions general...Although all living cells have certain things in common, different types of cells, even within the same organism, may have their unique structures and functions. Cells with different functions generally have different shapes that suit them for their particular job.
- epidermis is the outer of the two main layers of the skin, the inner layer being the dermis. It averages about 0.10 mm thick and is much thinner than the dermis. The epidermis is thinnest on the e...The epidermis is the outer of the two main layers of the skin, the inner layer being the dermis. It averages about 0.10 mm thick and is much thinner than the dermis. The epidermis is thinnest on the eyelids (0.05 mm) and thickest on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet (1.50 mm). The epidermis covers almost the entire body surface. It is continuous with, but structurally distinct from, the mucous membranes that line the mouth, anus, urethra, and vagina.