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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

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    \( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

    ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

    \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

    \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

    \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

    \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

    \( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

    \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

    \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

    \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

    \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

    \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

    \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

    \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

    \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

    \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    \( \newcommand{\vectorA}[1]{\vec{#1}}      % arrow\)

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    Learning Objectives Associated with SS1_2023_Bis2A_Facciotti_Reading_12

    GC.28 Identify biological redox reactions involving common electron carriers.

    GC.29 Given a redox reaction, identify the reducing agent, oxidizing agent, molecule that becomes oxidized, and the reduced species. Identify which species the electron(s) "starts" in, and to which species it "goes."

    GC.30 Write a composite chemical equation when given two redox half-reactions.

    GC.31 Calculate the ΔE0’ for a given redox reaction using the equation ΔE0’ = E0(oxidant) - E0(reductant)

    GC.44 Define and correctly use each variable and its role in the equation: ΔG0 = -nFΔE0.

    GC.45 Convert between ΔG0 and ΔE0 for a given redox reaction using the equation ΔG0 = -nFΔE0.

    GC.43 Qualitatively relate the difference in redox potentials with a corresponding delta of Gibbs enthalpy (energy).

    GC.26 Predict whether a directional transfer of electrons between two chemical species is endergonic or exergonic by applying the concept of redox potential to provided data.

    ME.2 Identify NAD+ from its molecular structure and identify the functional group involved in its function as an oxidizing or reducing agent.

    ME.1 Tell an energy story for a redox reaction that utilizes the electron carrier NAD+/NADH as the second substrate in the simple, generic reaction scheme: AH + NAD+ -> A + NADH.


    Metabolism in General Biology

    Cellular metabolism represents roughly 1/3 of the General Biology curriculum. While this may seem like a lot, we cover very little of what a classic course in metabolism  covers, and a minuscule fraction of the metabolism that occurs on the planet. What we cover, however, is the very important foundational knowledge. You will learn about common chemical reactions that are associated with the transformation of life's molecular building blocks and about different core modes of energy transfer that you will encounter often in biology. The energy story and the design challenge rubrics introduced earlier will become increasingly important in these next few modules and beyond.

    What have we learned? How will it relate to metabolism?

    1. We have focused on the identification and chemical properties of common biological functional groups. As we dive into metabolism, this will help you be familiar with and sometimes even predict the chemical nature/reactivity of compounds you have never seen before.
    2. We have practiced recognizing and classifying molecules into four major functional groups. This will help you as we discuss how to build and break down these molecules.
    3. We have learned some basic thermodynamics. This gives us a common set of concepts with which to discuss whether a biochemical reaction or process is likely to occur, and if so in which direction and how fast. This will be critical as we consider some key reactions that take place in metabolism.
    4. We have learned and practiced the energy story rubric. This will allow us to study new biochemical reactions and to discuss them with a common, consistent language and approach which also reinforces the lessons we learned about thermodynamics.

    An overview of this section

    • We will introduce an important concept called reduction potential and you will be given the opportunity to use a redox tower. There is also a discussion on redox chemistry in your discussion manual. Use both resources.
    • We will introduce two major players in metabolism, ATP and NADH. We expect you to recognize their structures if shown on an exam.
    • We will cover the metabolic pathway glycolysis. Keep in mind that we want you to look at any reaction and tell us an energy story of that reaction. You should not try to memorize these pathways (though it will help to remember some big picture things - we will stress these). Often we will give you the pathway as a figure on the exams. Glycolysis produces 2 ATP via a process called substrate level phosphorylation, 2 NADH and 2 pyruvate compounds.
    • We will use the reactions of the TCA cycle to create multiple examples of energy stories. The TCA cycle will also produce more ATP, NADH and oxidize glucose into CO2.
    • We will look at an alternative pathway to that of the TCA cycle, fermentation. Here, for the first time, we will see NADH used as a reactant in a metabolic reaction.
    • We will follow NADH to the end of its journey, as it donates its electrons to the electron transport chain (ETC). In this module, you will need to use a redox tower. The ETC produces a proton gradient. No ATP is directly generated in this process. However, the proton gradient is then used by the cell to run an enzyme called ATP synthase, which catalyzes the reaction ADP + Pi --> ATP. This method of ATP production (called oxidative phosphorylation) results in more ATP being produced than through substrate level phosphorylation.
    • And finally, we will go through the process of photosynthesis.



    As you go through the Redox section of the reading please use NB to also comment on parts of the reading that are hard to understand, confusing, and places that you think are well explained and clear. If you have suggested edits please let us know.  Use the following emoji to tag these comments:



    Reduction-Oxidation Reactions mcat_gre_both_connection_doubleicon.JPG

    In General Biology, most of the reduction/oxidation reactions (redox) that we discuss occur in metabolic pathways (connected sets of biochemical reactions). Here, the cell breaks down the compounds it consumes into smaller parts and then reassembles these and other molecules into larger macromolecules. Redox reactions also play critical roles in energy transfer, either from the environment or within the cell, in all known forms of life. For these reasons, it is important to develop at least an intuitive understanding and appreciation for redox reactions in biology.

    Most students of biology will also study reduction and oxidation reactions in their chemistry courses; these kinds of reactions are important well beyond biology. Regardless of the order in which students are introduced to this concept (chemistry first or biology first), most will find the topic presented in very different ways in chemistry and biology. That can be confusing.  

    Chemists often introduce the concepts of oxidation and reduction using the concept of oxidation states. See this link for more information: <>. Chemists usually ask students to apply a set of rules (see link) to determine the oxidation states of individual atoms in the molecules involved in a chemical reaction. The chemistry formalism defines oxidation as an increase in oxidation state and reduction as a decrease in oxidation state.  

    However, biologists don’t typically think about or teach redox reactions in this way. Why? We suspect it’s because most of the redox reactions encountered in biology involve a change in oxidation state that comes about trough a transfer of electron(s) between molecules. Biologists, therefore, typically define reduction as a gain of electrons and oxidation as a loss of electrons. We note that the biological electron-exchange view of redox reactions is entirely consistent with the more general definition associated strictly with changes in oxidation states. The electron-exchange model does not, however, explain redox reactions that do not involve a transfer of electrons, which sometimes occur in the context of a chemistry class. The biologist's view of redox chemistry has the advantage (in the context of biology) of being relatively easy to create a mental picture for. There are no lists of rules to remember or much inspection of molecular structure involved in developing at least a basic conceptual picture of the topic. We simply imagine an exchange between two parties - one molecule handing off one or more electrons to a partner who accepts them.  

    Since this is a biology reading for a biology class we approach redox from the “gain/loss of electrons” conceptualization. If you have already taken a chemistry class and this topic seems to be presented a little different in your biology course, remember that at its core, you are learning the same thing. Biologists just adapted what you learned in chemistry to make more intuitive sense in the context of biology.  If you haven’t learned about redox, yet don’t worry. If you can understand what we are trying to do here, when you cover this concept in chemistry class you will be a few steps ahead. You will just need to work to generalize your thinking a little bit. 

    Let's start with some generic reactions

    Transferring electrons between two compounds results in one of these compounds losing an electron and one compound gaining an electron. For example, look at the figure below. If we use the energy story rubric to look at the overall reaction, we can compare the before and after characteristics of the reactants and products. What happens to the matter (stuff) before and after the reaction? Compound A starts as neutral and becomes positively charged. Compound B starts as neutral and becomes negatively charged. Because electrons are negatively charged, we can explain this reaction with the movement of an electron from Compound A to B. That is consistent with the changes in charge. Compound A loses an electron (becoming positively charged), and we say that A has become oxidized. For biologists, oxidation is associated with the loss of electron(s). B gains the electron (becoming negatively charged), and we say that B has become reduced. Reduction is associated with the gain of electrons. We also know, since a reaction occurred (something happened), that energy must have been transferred and/or reorganized in this process and we'll consider this shortly.


    Marys redox figure.png

    Figure 1. Generic redox reaction with half-reactions Attribution: Mary O. Aina

    To reiterate: When an electron(s) is lost, or a molecule is oxidized, the electron(s) must then pass to another molecule. We say that the molecule gaining the electron becomes reduced. Together these paired electron gain-loss reactions are known as an oxidation-reduction reaction (also called a redox reaction).

    This idea of paired half-reactions is critical to the biological concept of redox. Electrons don’t drop out of the universe for “free” to reduce a molecule nor do they jump off a molecule into the ether. Donated electrons MUST come from a donor molecule and be transferred to some other acceptor molecule. For example, in the figure above the electron the reduces molecule B in half-reaction 2 must come from a donor - it just doesn't appear from nowhere!  Likewise, the electron that leaves A in half-reaction 1 above must "land" on another molecule - it doesn't just disappear from the universe.  

    Therefore, oxidation and reduction reactions must ALWAYS be paired. We’ll examine this idea in more detail below when we discuss the idea of “half-reactions”.

    • A tip to help you remember:  The mnemonic LEO says GER (Lose Electrons = Oxidation and Gain Electrons = Reduction) can help you remember the biological definitions of oxidation and reduction.



    Figure 2. A figure for the mnemonic "LEO the lion says GER." LEO: Loss of Electrons = Oxidation. GER: Gain of Electrons = Reduction. Attribution: Kamali Sripathi


    The confusing language of redox: quick summary

    1. A compound can be described as “reduced” - term used to describe the compound's state.

    2. A compound can be a “reductant” - term used to describe a compound's capability (it can reduce something else). The synonymous term "reducing agent" can be used to describe the same capability (the term "agent" refers to the thing that can "do something" - in this case reduce another molecule). 

    3. A compound can be an “oxidant” - term used to describe a compound's capability (it can oxidize something else). The synonymous term "oxidizing agent" can be used to describe the same capability (the term "agent" refers to the thing that can "do something" - in this case oxidize another molecule). 

    4. A compound can “become reduced” or "become oxidized"- term used to describe the transition to a new state.

    Since all of these terms are used in biology, in General Biology we expect you to become familiar with this terminology. Try to learn it and use it as soon as possible - we will use the terms frequently and will not have the time to define terms each time.

    Knowledge Check Quiz

    Knowledge Check Quiz


    The Half Reaction 

    Here we introduce the concept of the half reaction. We can think each half reaction as a description of what happens to one of the two molecules (i.e. the donor or the acceptor) involved in a "full" redox reaction. A "full" redox reaction requires two half reactions. In the example below, half reaction #1 depicts the molecule AH losing two electrons and a proton and in the process becoming A+. This reaction depicts the oxidation of AH. Half reaction #2 depicts the molecule B+ gaining two electrons and a proton to become BH. This reaction depicts the reduction of B+. Each of these two half reactions is conceptual and neither can happen on its own. The electrons lost in half reaction #1 MUST go somewhere, they can't just disappear.  Likewise, the electrons gained in half reaction #2 must come from something. They too just can not appear out of nowhere. 

    One can imagine that there might be different molecules that can serve as potential acceptors (the place for the electrons to go) for the electrons lost in half reaction #1. Likewise, there might be many potential reduced molecules that can serve as the electron donors (the source of electrons) for half reaction #2. In the example below, we show what happens (the reaction) when molecule AH is the donor of electrons for molecule B+. When we put the donor and acceptor half reactions together, we get a "full" redox reaction. In the figure below we call that reaction "Reaction #1". When this happens, we say that the two half reactions coupled. NOTE: In Chemistry class, because there are sometimes more than two reactions involved in a complete redox reaction, instead of the term "coupled reaction", you might encounter the more generic terms "simultaneous reactions" or "consecutive reactions". In all cases, these terms are meant to communicate that the reactions must happen together, either at the same time or in sequence. 


    Figure 3. Generic redox reaction where compound AH is being oxidized by compound B+. Each half reaction represents a single species or compound to either lose or gain electrons (and a subsequent proton as shown in the figure above). In half reaction #1 AH loses a proton and 2 electrons: in the second half reaction, B+ gains 2 electrons and a proton. In this example HA is oxidized to A+ while B+ is reduced to BH.


    Reduction Potential

    By convention, we quantitatively characterize redox reactions using an measure called reduction potentials. The reduction potential attempts to quantitatively describe the “ability” of a compound or molecule to gain or lose electrons. The specific value of the reduction potential is determined experimentally, but for the purpose of this course we assume that the reader will accept that the values in provided tables are reasonably correct. We can anthropomorphize the reduction potential by saying that it is related to the strength with which a compound can “attract” or “pull” or “capture” electrons. Not surprisingly this is is related to but not identical to electronegativity.

    What is this intrinsic property to attract electrons?

    Different compounds, based on their structure and atomic composition have intrinsic and distinct "attractions" for electrons. This quality leads each molecule to have its own standard reduction potential or E0. The reduction potential is a relative quantity (relative to some “standard” reaction). If a test compound has a stronger "attraction" to electrons than the standard (if the two competed, the test compound would "take" electrons from the standard compound), we say that the test compound has a positive reduction potential. The magnitude of the difference in E0’ between any two compounds (including the standard) is proportional to how much more or less the compounds "want" electrons. The relative strength of the reduction potential is measured and reported in units of Volts (V) (sometimes written as electron volts or eV) or milliVolts (mV). The reference compound in most redox towers is H2.


    Possible NB Discussion nb-sticker.pngPoint

    Rephrase for yourself: How do you describe or think about the difference between the concept of electronegativity and red/ox potential?


    Redox student misconception alert:  The standard redox potential for a compound reports how strongly a substance wants to hold onto an electron in comparison to hydrogen. Since both redox potential and electronegativity are both discussed as measurements for how strongly something "wants" an electron, they are sometimes conflated or confused for one another. However, they are not the same. While the electronegativity of atoms in a molecule may influence its redox potential, it is not the only factor that does. You don't need to worry about how this works. For now, try to keep them as different and distinct ideas in your mind. The physical relationship between these two concepts is well beyond the scope of this general biology class. 


    As you go through the Redox section of the reading please use NB to also comment on parts of the reading that are hard to understand, confusing, and places that you think are well explained and clear. If you have suggested edits please let us know.  Use the following emoji to tag these comments:


    Table of Standard Reduction Potentials (aka. The Redox Tower)

    All kinds of compounds can take part in redox reactions. Scientists have developed a graphical tool, a table of standard reduction potentials (aka. a redox tower), to tabulate redox half reactions based on their E0’ values. This tool can help predict the direction of electron flow between potential electron donors and acceptors and how much free energy change might be expected to change in a specific reaction. By convention, all half reactions in the table are written in the direction of reduction for each compound listed.  

    In the biology context, the redox tower usually ranks a variety of common compounds (their half reactions) from most negative E0 (compounds that readily get rid of electrons), to the most positive E0’ (compounds most likely to accept electrons). The tower below lists the number of electrons that are transferred in each reaction. For example, the reduction of NAD+ to NADH involves two electrons, written in the table as 2e-

    oxidized form

    reduced form

    n (electrons)

    E0 (volts)

    PS1* (ox)

    PS1* (red)



    Acetate + CO2




    ferredoxin (ox) version 1

    ferredoxin (red) version 1



    succinate + CO+ 2H+

    a-ketoglutarate + H2O



    PSII* (ox)

    PSII* (red)



    P840* (ox)

    PS840* (red)








    glyceraldehyde-3-P + H2O







    ferredoxin (ox) version 2

    ferredoxin (red) version 2














    -0.42 (at [H+] = 10-7; pH=7)

    Note: at [H+] = 1; pH=0  the E0 for hydrogen is ZERO.  You will see this in chemistry class.  

    α-ketoglutarate + CO+ 2H+












    Pyruvate + CO2




    NAD+ 2H+

    NADH + H+



    NADP+ 2H+

    NADPH + H+



    Complex I FMN (enzyme bound)




    Lipoic acid, (ox)

    Lipoic acid, (red)



    1,3 bisphosphoglycerate + 2H+

    glyceraldehyde-3-P + Pi



    Glutathione, (ox)

    Glutathione, (red)



    FAD+ (free) + 2H+




    Acetaldehyde + 2H+




    Pyruvate + 2H+




    Oxalacetate + 2H+




    α-ketoglutarate + NH4+




    FAD+ + 2H+ (bound)

    FADH2 (bound)



    Methylene blue, (ox)

    Methylene blue, (red)



    Fumarate + 2H+




    CoQ (Ubiquinone - UQ + H+)




    UQ + 2H+




    Dehydroascorbic acid

    ascorbic acid



    Plastoquinone; (ox)

    Plastoquinone; (red)



    Ubiquinone; (ox)

    Ubiquinone; (red)



    Complex III Cytochrome b2; Fe3+

    Cytochrome b2; Fe2+



    Fe3(pH = 7)

    Fe2(pH = 7)



    Complex III Cytochrome c1; Fe3+

    Cytochrome c1; Fe2+



    Cytochrome c; Fe3+

    Cytochrome c; Fe2+



    Complex IV Cytochrome a; Fe3+

    Cytochrome a; Fe2+



    1/2 O2 + H2O




    P840GS (ox)

    PS840GS (red)



    Complex IV Cytochrome a3; Fe3+

    Cytochrome a3; Fe2+







    Cytochrome f; Fe3+

    Cytochrome f; Fe2+



    PSIGS (ox)

    PSIGS (red)







    Fe3(pH = 2)

    Fe2(pH = 2)



    1/2 O2 + 2H+




    PSIIGS (ox)

    PSIIGS (red)



    * Excited State, after absorbing a photon of light

    GS Ground State, state prior to absorbing a photon of light

    PS1: Oxygenic photosystem I

    P840: Bacterial reaction center containing bacteriochlorophyll (anoxygenic)

    PSII: Oxygenic photosystem II

    Table 1. Common redox tower used in Bis2A. By convention the tower half reactions are written with the oxidized form of the compound on the left and the reduced form on the right. Compounds that make good electron donors have highly negative reduction potentials. Compounds such as Glucose and Hydrogen gas are excellent electron donors. By contrast compounds that make excellent electron acceptors, such as Oxygen and Nitrite are excellent electron acceptors. 


    Video on redox tower 

    For a short video on how to use the electron tower in redox problems click here or below. This video was made by Dr. Easlon for Bis2A students. (This is quite informative.)



    What is the relationship between ΔE0' and ΔG0'?

    How do we know if any given redox reaction (the specific combination of two half reactions) is energetically spontaneous or not (exergonic or endergonic)? Moreover, how can we determine what the quantitative change in free energy is for a specific redox reaction? The answer lies in the difference in the reduction potentials of the two compounds. The difference in the reduction potential for the reaction (∆E0), can be calculated by taking the difference between the E0’ for the oxidant (the compound getting the electrons and causing the oxidation of the other compound) and the reductant (the compound losing the electrons). In our generic example below, AH is the reductant and B+ is the oxidant. Electrons are moving from AH to B+. Using the E0' of -0.32 for the reductant and +0.82 for the oxidant the total change in E0' or ∆E0 is 1.14 eV.


    Figure 4. Generic red/ox reaction with half reactions written with reduction potential (E0) of the two half reactions indicated.


    ∆E0’ between oxidant and reductant can tell us about the spontaneity of a proposed electron transfer. Intuitively, if electrons are proposed to move from a compound that "wants" electrons less to a compound that "wants" electrons more (i.e. a move from a compound with a lower E0 to a compound with a higher E0’, the reaction will be energetically spontaneous). If the electrons are proposed to move from a compound that "wants" electrons more to a compound that "wants" electrons less (i.e. a move from a compound with a higher E0 to a compound with a lower E0’, the reaction will be energetically non-spontaneous). Because of the way biological/biochemical redox tables are ordered (small E0’ on top and larger E0’ on the bottom) transfers of electrons from donors higher on the table to acceptors lower on the table will be spontaneous. 

    It is also possible to quantify the amount of free energy change associated with a specific redox reaction. The relationship is given by the following equation:


    Figure 5. The relationship between free energy of a redox reaction to the difference in reduction potential between the reduced products of the reaction and oxidized reactant. Attribution: Marc T. Facciotti


    • n is the number of moles of electrons transferred
    • F is the Faraday constant of 96.485 kJ/V. Sometimes it is given in units of kcal/V which is 23.062 kcal/V, which is the amount of energy (in kJ or kcal) released when one mole of electrons passes through a potential drop of 1 volt

    Note that the signs of ∆E0' and ∆G0' are opposite one another.  When ∆E0' is positive, ∆G0' will be negative.  When ∆E0' is negative, ∆G0' will be positive.  


    Alternative Views of Some Common Confusing Issues in Basic Redox Chemistry for Biology

    This reading tries to break down some of the more challenging topics that students encounter when studying redox chemistry in General Biology. This reading is not a substitute for your main reading but rather a complement to it that revisits some of the same topics through a different lens.


    Finding ΔE0'

    Students often struggle with finding the ∆E for a given redox reaction. One of the main barriers to developing this skill seems to be associated with developing a picture of the redox reaction itself. From the context of most biological redox reactions it is useful to imagine/picture a redox reaction as a simple exchange of electrons between two molecules, an electron donor and an electron acceptor that accepts electrons from the donor.

    An analogy with kiwi fruit: To help build this mental picture we offer an analogy. Two people are standing next to one another.  At the start, one person is holding a kiwi fruit in their hand and the second person's hands are empty. In this reaction, person 1 gives the kiwi to person 2. At the end of the reaction, person 2 is holding a kiwi and person 1 is not.  We can write this exchange of kiwi fruit in the form of a chemical reaction:  

    person 1(kiwi) + person 2() <-> person 1() + person 2(kiwi).

    start/initial state <-> final/end state

    If we read this "reaction" from left to right, person 1 is a kiwi donor and person 2 is a kiwi acceptor. We can extend this analogy a little by proposing that person 1 and person 2 have different desire and ability to grab and hold kiwi fruit - we'll call that property "kiwi-potential". We can then propose a situation where person 1 and person 2 compete for a kiwi. Let's propose that person 2 has a higher "kiwi-potential" than person 1 - that is, person 2 has a stronger desire and ability to grab and hold kiwi than person 1.  

    If we set up a competition where person 1 starts with the kiwi and person 2 competes for it, we should expect that after some time the kiwi will be exchanged to person 2 and stay there most often.  At the end of the reaction the kiwi will be with person 2. Due to the difference in "kiwi-potential" between person 1 and person 2, we can say that the spontaneous direction of kiwi flow is from person 1 to person 2. If we ever observed the kiwi flow from person 2 to person 1 we could probably conclude that person 1 required some extra help/energy to make that happen - flow from person 2 to person 1 would be non-spontaneous. 

    Let's call the "kiwi-potential", Kp. In our analogy, Kpperson 1 < Kpperson 2. We can calculate ∆Kp, the difference in Kp between the two people, and that will tell us something about how likely we can expect to see kiwi exchange hands between these two people. The bigger the difference in Kp the more likely the kiwi will move from the person who has a lower Kp to the person who has the higher Kp.  

    By definition, to calculate ∆Kp we obtain the solution to ∆Kp = Kpfinal/end - Kpinitial/start.  Since the kiwi is with person 2 at the end of the reaction and it starts with person 1 at the beginning of the reaction we would calculate ∆Kp = Kpperson 2 - Kpperson 1.


    Doing it with electrons instead of kiwi fruit: To find ∆E0' for a redox reaction we can translate this analogy to the molecular space. Instead of people, we have two molecules. Instead of a kiwi, we have electrons. Different molecules have different inherent abilities to grab and hold electrons and this can be measured by the value E.  If two molecules exchange one or more electrons we can imagine that electrons will flow spontaneously from a molecule with lower E0' to one with a higher E0'. We can write a familiar reaction with those substitutions.  

    molecule 1(electron) + molecule 2() <-> person 1() + molecule 2(electron).

    start/initial state <-> final/end state

    To find  ΔE0', you solve for ΔE0' = E0'-final/end - E0'-initial/start. Alternatively, you can think of it as ΔE0' = E0'-acceptorE0'-donor.

    When evaluating a redox reaction for E0' you therefore need to:


    In the example above, we can examine the reactants and determine that NAD+ is the oxidized form of the electron carrier - it can, therefore, not be the donor. This means that  H2 must act as the electron donor in this reactant. During the reaction electrons flow onto NAD+ from the donor H2 creating the reduced product NADH and oxidized product H+. To calculate ∆E0' we say that at the start of the reaction the exchanged electrons are on the donor H2. We say that at the end of the reaction the electrons are found on NADH.  Calculating ∆E0'requires us to evaluate the difference:


    or equivalently,

     E0'-final/end - E0'-initial/start

    Using a redox table to find E0' values for the start and end molecules shows us that NAD+/NADH has an E0' of -0.30 while H+/H2 has an E0' of -0.42.

    Therefore, ΔE0' = (-0.30) - (-0.42) = 0.12 V. 

    We can see intuitively that this reaction is spontaneous: electrons are flowing from a molecule that "wants" electrons less (E0' of H+/H2 = -0.42) to a molecule that wants them more (E0' of NAD+/NADH = -0.30).


    Reading Different Looking Redox Towers

    Novice students of redox chemistry will all undoubtedly run across different ways of representing a redox tower. These different representations may look different but contain the same information. Without explanation, however, reading these tables - when they look different - can be confusing. We will compare and contrast different common forms of redox towers.


    Redox Tower: Type 1


    Figure 1. Generic redox tower with oxidized/reduced couple listed with its reduction potential (E0'). Attribution: Caidon Iwuagwu


    In this type of redox tower, the oxidized and reduced forms of a molecule are separated by a slash. There is a line drawn from each half-reaction to its redox potential E0' reported on the vertical axis. 


    Redox Tower: Type 2

    Electron Acceptor

    Electron Donor

    E0' (eV)   

    CO2 + 24e-  →


    - 0.43

    2H+ + 2e-    →


    - 0.42

    CO2 + 6e-    →


    - 0.38

    NAD+ + 2e-    →


    - 0.32

    CO2 + 8e-    →


    - 0.28

    S0 + 2e-    →


    - 0.28

    SO42- + 8e-    →


    - 0.22

    Pyruvate + 2e-    →


    - 0.19

    S4O62- + 2e-    →


    + 0.024

    Fumarate + 2e-    →


    + 0.03

    Cytochrome box + 1e-    →

    Cytochrome bred

    + 0.035

    Ubiquinoneox + 2e-    →


    + 0.11

    Fe3+ + 1e-    →    (pH 7)


    + 0.2

    Cytochrome cox + 1e-    →

    Cytochrome cred

    + 0.25

    Cytochrome aox + 1e-    →

    Cytochrome ared

    + 0.39

    NO3- + 2e-    →


    + 0.42

    NO3- + 5e-    →

    1/2 N2

    + 0.74

    Fe3+ + 1e-    →   (pH 2)


    + 0.77

    1/2 O2 + 2e-    →


    + 0.82

    In this type of redox tower, each row consists of a half-reaction. The oxidized form of a molecule is shown in the first column, the reduced form of the molecule is shown in the second column.  Finally, the E0' value of the molecule is listed in the third column from the left.  The number of electrons transferred to reduce the oxidized form of the molecule is shown in column 1.  While the format of the table looks different from Type 1 tower, both contain the exact same information.  


    Redox Tower: Type 3

    oxidized form

    reduced form

    n (electrons)

    Eo´ (volts)








    -0.42 (at [H+] = 10-7; pH=7)

    Note: at [H+] = 1; pH=0  the Eo' for hydrogen is ZERO.  You will see this in chemistry class.  





    NAD+ 2H+

    NADH + H+















    Pyruvate + 2H+




    S4O62- S4O62- 2 0.024





    Cytochrome box Cytochrome bred 1 0.035

    Ubiquinone; (ox)

    Ubiquinone; (red)



    Fe3(pH = 7)

    Fe2(pH = 7)



    Cytochrome c; Fe3+

    Cytochrome c; Fe2+



    Cytochrome a

    Cytochrome a








    1/2 N2



    Fe3(pH = 2)

    Fe2(pH = 2)



    1/2 O2 + 2H+




    In this redox tower, the oxidized form of a molecule is in the leftmost column, its reduced form is in the second column from the left, the number of electrons transferred is in the third column from the left, and the E0' is in the far right column.

    Again, all of these towers contain the exact same information and are used in an identical manner. 

    Special note: If you have studied redox chemistry in a formal chemistry course, you might notice two key differences between the towers you use in a biology setting and those used by chemists.  

    1. In chemistry, the redox towers are flipped relative to those in biology: In chemistry, the molecules with the most positive E0' are listed starting at the top of the table and the compounds with the most negative E0' are listed at the bottom. In bioloigal redox tables molecules with the largest E0' are listed at the bottom while those with the smallest E0' are listed starting at the top.  The biology orientation has the advantage of making it easy to picture electrons spontaneously falling down the table from molecules that "want" the electrons less (lower E0') to molecules that "want" electrons more (higher E0').

    2. In chemistry, the redox potential for hydrogen (H+/H2) is listed as 0. This is because (a) redox potentials for chemistry are measured under a set of non-biologically relevant standard conditions and (b) hydrogen is being used as the common standard redox potential against which all other redox potentials are measured.  In biology, the redox potential for hydrogen (H+/H2) is listed as -0.42. This difference between the chemistry and biology tables comes about because the redox potential for (H+/H2) in biology is measured at a physiological pH of 7.0. 

    Familiarize yourself with how to read and interpret all three types of redox towers!


    Chemistry and Biology Teach Redox Slightly Differently 


    For more on calculating oxidation states see: <>

    So, to find which elements are reduced/oxidized when given a redox reaction, you must track the change of the oxidation states between the reactants and the products. Here is an example:

    In the unbalanced reaction NO3-+ FADH2 ⟶ NO2-+ FAD+ 

    1. Using the rules, we observe that in NO3-, the oxidation number of Nitrogen is +5. In NO2-, the oxidation number of Nitrogen is +3.  So because +5 ⟶ +3, N is reduced in this reaction.

    2. We could conduct a similar calculation for key atoms on FAD+ and FADH2 to discover that FADH2 is oxidized in the reaction.

    NO3-+ FADH2 ⟶ NO2-+ FAD+ 

    Here we examine the reactants and immediately spot the common electron carrier FADH2, the reduced form of the electron carrier. In the products we observe the oxidized form of the electron carrier  FAD+. We conclude that FADH2 lost electrons (became oxidized) in the reaction.  Since the electrons had to go somewhere they were likely accepted by NO3which then became reduced to NO2-. In this case the biologist's model arrives at the same conclusion as the chemist's approach through a more intuitive approach that doesn't require memorizing numerous rules and how to apply them.  

    In our General Biology class, we take the biology/biochemistry approach to redox. You will not need to know how to calculate oxidation states in this course. 





    General Practice

    3. Why: Redox is central to metabolism and energy flow. This topic also has some of the seemingly easy but, nevertheless, most confusing vocabulary.  It is a good idea to learn the vocabulary as quickly as possible and to associate them with any basic redox reaction.

    How to practice: I can’t stress enough how important it will be for you to learn the redox chemistry vocabulary we outlined in class today. (Oxidized, reduced, oxidizing agent, reducing agent etc.) We will be using these terms frequently during this part of the course. Class, discussion, and the reading will be much more confusing if you do not have a good understanding of the terms. Remember, we don’t need to find the actual oxidation states of biomolecules—we just need to be able to recognize that electrons flow  between compounds (An electron flow is a loss of an electron(s) from one compound and a corresponding gain of an electron(s) by another compound).

    This exercise helps you practice learning objectives: GC.29 Given a redox reaction, identify the reducing agent, oxidizing agent, molecule that becomes oxidized, and the reduced species. Identify which species the electron(s) "starts" in, and to which species it “goes.”; GC.28 Identify biological redox reactions involving common electron carriers.


    4. Why: The electron carrier NAD+/NADH is one of the most commonly used molecules in biochemical reactions. It pays to be able to recognize it. Unpacking its molecular structure into different components and building it back up can help to you construct a good mental picture and ability to recognize the molecule in different contexts.

    How to practice: Figure 1 on the next page shows NAD+. Circle the part of the molecule that is derived from a carbohydrate. Add a square around a phosphate group. Point to a nitrogenous base. Account for the electron flow. On the curved arrows, label “reduction” and “oxidation”. Label the reduced form and oxidized form of NAD+. Next, note that H+ is involved. Try to predict, then look up, what the influence of pH might be on a redox reaction involving NAD+.


    This exercise helps you practice learning objectives: ME.2 Identify NAD+ from its molecular structure and identify the functional group involved in its function as an oxidizing or reducing agent..


    5. Why:  Learning how to read a redox reaction is another basic skill that is necessary if you’re going to learn how this subject. The energy story rubric is a great way to walk through, step-by-step, the “parts” of a reaction.

    How to practice: Understand that the energy story of a simple redox reaction is important in order to be able to answer questions about redox reactions.

    Ared +Box -> Aox + Bred

    1. The reactants are in an initial state at the beginning of the reaction. Compound A is in its reduced form. It is the electron donor in this reaction. Compound B is in its oxidized form. It is the electron acceptor in this reaction.
    2. The reaction occurs. You are told that this is an exergonic reaction. Draw the reaction coordinate diagram that describes the reaction. Do you need to include activation energy in the reaction coordinate diagram? Briefly justify your answer.
    3. The products are in the final state of the reaction. Notice that Ared  becomes Aox after donating an electron to B. Similarly, Box becomes Bred after accepting the electron from A.
    4. Now, look at the redox table from lecture or from your discussion manual and pick two half-reactions. Write an equation that tells the reactants and the products. Then tell the reaction’s energy story.

    This exercise helps you practice learning objectives: GC.29 Given a redox reaction, identify the reducing agent, oxidizing agent, molecule that becomes oxidized, and the reduced species. Identify which species the electron(s) "starts" in, and to which species it "goes."; ME.1 Tell an energy story for a redox reaction that utilizes the electron carrier NAD+/NADH as the second substrate in the simple, generic reaction scheme: AH + NAD+ -> A + NADH.


    6. Why: The concept of half reactions is ubiquitous in biology and chemistry.  It’s a bit tricky to grasp, however. NAD+/NADH is a critical electron carrier. This exercise walks you through unpacking the idea of half reactions in the context of NAD+/NADH.

    How to practice: Understand the importance of the following two reactions in biology:

    1. The half-reaction H2 + NAD+ —> NADH + H+ is a reduction of NAD+; NAD+ gains electrons.
      1. Another way to write this reaction is NAD+ + H+ + 2e- —> NADH + H+
      2. This half-reaction could be paired with an oxidation half-reaction.
      3. To determine the ΔE and ΔG of the pairing, you would need to know the reduction potential of both half-reactions.
    2. The half-reaction NADH + H+—> H2 + NAD+ is an oxidation of NADH; NADH loses electrons.
      1. Another way to write this reaction is NADH + H+ —> NAD+ + H+ + 2e-
      2. This half-reaction could be paired with a reduction half-reaction.
      3. To determine the ΔE and ΔG of the pairing, you would need to know the reduction potential of both half-reactions.

    This exercise helps you practice learning objectives: GC.30 Write a composite chemical equation when given two redox half-reactions.; ME.1 Tell an energy story for a redox reaction that utilizes the electron carrier NAD+/NADH as the second substrate in the simple, generic reaction scheme: AH + NAD+ -> A + NADH.


    7. Why: All redox reactions are associated with a change in free energy. The change in free energy can be a very important property of a given redox reaction. It will determine whether the reaction is spontaneous, it will determine whether the reaction can be coupled to another reaction productively, and so on.  Here we practice learning how to recognize the relationship between ∆E of a redox reaction and its ∆G.


    How to practice: Look at the formula that relates the change in free energy to the change in reduction potential: ΔG= -nF(ΔE) Fill out the table below. Is the ΔG positive, negative or zero? Is the reaction exergonic or endergonic? What happens if ΔE=0?



    Spontaneous (exergonic) as written?










    This exercise helps you practice learning objectives: GC.43 Qualitatively relate the difference in redox potentials with a corresponding delta of Gibbs enthalpy (energy).; GC.45 Convert between ΔG0 and ΔE0 for a given redox reaction using the equation ΔG0 = -nFΔE0.; GC.44 Define and correctly use each variable and its role in the equation: ΔG0 = -nFΔE0.; GC.31 Calculate the ΔE0 for a given redox reaction using the equation ΔE0 = E0(oxidant) - E0(reductant).


    8. Why: This is more practice with half reactions and NAD+/NADH. It also relates the ideas of redox, half reactions and NAD+/NADH back to the concept of free energy and reaction coordinate diagrams.

    How to practice: Below, draw the reaction coordinate diagram for the half-reaction H2 + NAD+ —> NADH + H+ coupled to the oxidation half-reaction A —> B. Explain the key features of this reaction and why it is important for cells. Now draw the reaction coordinate diagram for the half-reaction NADH + H+ —> H2 + NAD+ coupled to the reduction half-reaction C —> D. Explain the key features of this reaction and why it is important to cells.

    This exercise helps you practice learning objectives: ME.1 Tell an energy story for a redox reaction that utilizes the electron carrier NAD+/NADH as the second substrate in the simple, generic reaction scheme: AH + NAD+ -> A + NADH.;


    9. Why: This exercise ask you to practice recognizing NAD+ as a redox carrier in many different types of reactions.

    How to practice: Visit the following web page: (  This is a molecular and biochemical pathway database. You should get something on the page that looks like the following:

    This is the database page for the compound NAD+. Each of the numbered links in the “Reaction” field (e.g. R00023 or R00143) are biochemical reactions that involve NAD+. NOTE the “show all” link if you want to see more! If you click a link you should see something like: 

    Look at a number of these reactions involving NAD+/NADH.  Get used to seeing this molecule in many different contexts and start to

    This exercise helps you practice learning objectives: ME.1 Tell an energy story for a redox reaction that utilizes the electron carrier NAD+/NADH as the second substrate in the simple, generic reaction scheme: AH + NAD+ -> A + NADH.


    10. Why: This is a continuation of the exercise above.  Do you feel like I might think it’s important to be able too recognize what might be going on when you see NAD+/NADH?

    How to practice: There’s the reaction written several ways. Pick five of these reactions in the list. Copy each reaction into your sketchbook (you can abbreviate the NAD+ structure by just writing NAD+), label the compounds, and identify functional groups. Identify a direction you want to run the reaction and identify which compound is reduced and which is oxidized.

    This exercise helps you practice learning objectives: ME.1 Tell an energy story for a redox reaction that utilizes the electron carrier NAD+/NADH as the second substrate in the simple, generic reaction scheme: AH + NAD+ -> A + NADH.




    Question Q12.1

    Q12.1  In the reaction to the right, the compound indicated by the dashed box is:


    1. the reducing agent
    2. the oxidizing agent
    3. the reduced compound
    4. the oxidized compound
    5. More than one of the above terms could be used to describe this compound.


    Question Q12.2

    Q12.2  The enzyme HMG-CoA reductase catalyzes the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonate. Anti-cholesterol drugs such as MevacorTM and LipitorTM act as competitive inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase. Based on this information, what can you conclude about these two drugs?

    1. They bear a structural resemblance with the enzyme.
    2. They bind to an allosteric site on enzyme.
    3. They bear a structural resemblance to HMG-CoA
    4. They combine with the substrate and prevent it from binding with the enzyme
    5. They irreversibly bind to the active site, thereby disabling the enzyme.


    Question Q12.3

    Q12.3  The molecule to the right is common in many reactions involving electron transfer. Which of the circled components are most directly involved in the redox chemistry?


    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D

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