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15.4: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Competition

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    15.4.1 Competitive Exclusion

    Each of three panels shows a tree with three distinct regions: the upper canopy, the middle with branches and trunk, and the grassy ground. The first panel shows yellow birds in all three regions. The second panel shows red and yellow birds in all three regions. The third panel shows yellow birds in the canopy and ground regions, with red birds in the middle.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): 1) A smaller (yellow) species of bird forages across the whole tree. 2) A larger (red) species competes for resources. 3) Red dominates in the middle for the more abundant resources. Yellow shifts to a new niche, avoiding competition.


    The competitive exclusion principle postulates that two species which compete for the same limited resource cannot coexist at constant population values. When one species has even the slightest advantage over another, the one with the advantage will dominate in the long term. This leads either to the extinction of the weaker competitor or to an evolutionary or behavioral shift toward a different ecological niche. The principle has been paraphrased in the maxim "complete competitors cannot coexist" (Hardin 1960).

    Georgy Gause formulated the law of competitive exclusion based on laboratory competition experiments using two species of Paramecium, P. aurelia and P. caudatum. The conditions were to add fresh water every day and input a constant flow of food. Although P. caudatum initially dominated, P. aurelia recovered and subsequently drove P. caudatum extinct via exploitative resource competition. However, Gause was able to let the P. caudatum survive by differing the environmental parameters (food, water). Thus, Gause's law is valid only if the ecological factors are constant.

    Three line graphs have time in days on the x-axis and number of cells on the y-axis. Graph A, titled “P. aurelia alone” shows a logistic s-curve that levels off around 250 cells around 15 days. Graph B, titled “P. caudatum alone” shows an increase in cells over time, leveling off at about 60 cells around 15 days. Graph C, titled “both species grown together” shows an initial increase in cells for both species, with P. aurelia continuing to increase and eventually level off at about 225 cells at 15 days and P. caudatum decreasing in cells numbers starting around day 2 with about 20 cells, declining to 0 cells by day 15.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\): Paramecium aurelia and Paramecium caudatum grow well individually, but when they compete for the same resources, P. aurelia outcompetes P. caudatum.


    Competitive exclusion is predicted by mathematical and theoretical models such as the Lotka–Volterra models of competition. However, competitive exclusion is rarely observed in natural ecosystems and many biological communities appear to violate Gause's law. The best-known example is the so-called "paradox of the plankton" (Hutchinson 1960). All plankton species live on a very limited number of resources, primarily solar energy and minerals dissolved in the water. According to the competitive exclusion principle, only a small number of plankton species should be able to coexist on these resources. Nevertheless, large numbers of plankton species coexist within small regions of open sea.


    15.4.2 Niche Differentiation

    Niche differentiation (also known as niche separation and niche partitioning) refers to the process by which competing species use the environment differently in a way that helps them to coexist. When two species differentiate their niches, they tend to compete less strongly, and are thus more likely to coexist. Species can differentiate their niches in many ways, such as by consuming different foods, or using different areas of the environment.

    As an example of niche partitioning, several anole lizards in the Caribbean islands share common diets—mainly insects. They avoid competition by occupying different physical locations. Although these lizards might occupy different locations, some species can be found inhabiting the same range, with up to 15 in certain areas. For example, some live on the ground while others are arboreal. Species who live in different areas compete less for food and other resources, which minimizes competition between species. However, species who live in similar areas typically compete with each other (Pacala 1985).


    Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\): Niche differentiation by size: greater duckweed, lesser duckweed and rootless dwarf duckweed.


    Competing species can partition their niche in different ways. This list is not exhaustive, but illustrates several classic examples.

    • Resource Partitioning is the phenomenon where two or more species divide out resources like food, space, resting sites etc. to coexist. For example, some lizard species appear to coexist because they consume insects of differing sizes (Caldwell & Vitt 1999). Alternatively, species can coexist on the same resources if each species is limited by different resources, or differently able to capture resources. Different types of phytoplankton can coexist when different species are differently limited by nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, and light (Grover 1997). In the Galapagos Islands, finches with small beaks are more able to consume small seeds, and finches with large beaks are more able to consume large seeds. If a species' density declines, then the food it most depends on will become more abundant (since there are so few individuals to consume it). As a result, the remaining individuals will experience less competition for food. Although "resource" generally refers to food, species can partition other non-consumable objects, such as parts of the habitat. For example, warblers are thought to coexist because they nest in different parts of trees (MacArthur 1958). Species can also partition habitat in a way that gives them access to different types of resources. As previously stated, anole lizards appear to coexist because each uses different parts of the forests as perch locations (Grover 1997). This likely gives them access to different species of insects.

    • Predator Partitioning occurs when species are attacked differently by different predators (or natural enemies more generally). For example, trees could differentiate their niche if they are consumed by different species of specialist herbivores, such as herbivorous insects. If a species density declines, so too will the density of its natural enemies, giving it an advantage. Thus, if each species is constrained by different natural enemies, they will be able to coexist (Grover 1994). Early work focused on specialist predators; however, more recent studies have shown that predators do not need to be pure specialists, they simply need to affect each prey species differently (Chesson & Kuang 2008, Sedio et al. 2013).

    • Conditional Differentiation (sometimes called temporal niche partitioning) occurs when species differ in their competitive abilities based on varying environmental conditions. For example, in the Sonoran Desert, some annual plants are more successful during wet years, while others are more successful during dry years (Angert et al. 2013). As a result, each species will have an advantage in some years, but not others. When environmental conditions are most favorable, individuals will tend to compete most strongly with members of the same species. For example, in a dry year, dry-adapted plants will tend to be most limited by other dry-adapted plants.

    • Competition-Predation Trade-Off Species can differentiate their niche via a competition-predation trade-off if one species is a better competitor when predators are absent, and the other is better when predators are present. Defenses against predators, such as toxic compounds or hard shells, are often metabolically costly. As a result, species that produce such defenses are often poor competitors when predators are absent. Species can coexist through a competition-predation trade-off if predators are more abundant when the less defended species is common, and less abundant if the well-defended species is common (Holt et al. 1994). This effect has been criticized as being weak, because theoretical models suggest that only two species within a community can coexist because of this mechanism (Chase et al. 2002).


    15.4.3 Coexistence 


    Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\): Coexistence theory attempts to explain the paradox of the plankton - how can ecologically similar species coexist without competitively excluding each other?


    Coexistence theory is a framework to understand how competitor traits can maintain species diversity and stave-off competitive exclusion even among similar species living in ecologically similar environments. 

    Coexistence theory explains the stable coexistence of species as an interaction between two opposing forces: fitness differences between species, which should drive the best-adapted species to exclude others within a particular ecological niche, and stabilizing mechanisms, which maintains diversity via niche differentiation. For many species to be stabilized in a community, population growth must be negative density-dependent, i.e. all participating species have a tendency to increase in density as their populations decline. In such communities, any species that becomes rare will experience positive growth, pushing its population to recover and making local extinction unlikely. As the population of one species declines, individuals of that species tend to compete predominantly with individuals of other species. Thus, the tendency of a population to recover as it declines in density reflects reduced intraspecific competition (within-species) relative to interspecific competition (between-species), the signature of niche differentiation.



    Figure \(\PageIndex{5}\): Groundhog and a raccoon eating together.


    Two qualitatively different processes can help species to coexist: a reduction in average fitness differences between species or an increase in niche differentiation between species. These two factors have been termed equalizing and stabilizing mechanisms, respectively (Chesson 2000). For species to coexist, any fitness differences that are not reduced by equalizing mechanisms must be overcome by stabilizing mechanisms.

    • Equalizing mechanisms reduce fitness differences between species. As its name implies, these processes act in a way that merge the competitive abilities of multiple species closer together. Equalizing mechanisms affect interspecific competition (the competition between individuals of different species). For example, when multiple species compete for the same resource, competitive ability is determined by the minimum level of resources a species needs to maintain itself (known as an R*, or equilibrium resource density) (Tilman 1980). Thus, the species with the lowest R* is the best competitor and excludes all other species in the absence of any niche differentiation. Any factor that reduces the differences in R* level between species (like increased harvest of the dominant competitor) is classified as an equalizing mechanism. Environmental variation (which is the focus of the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis) can be considered an equalizing mechanism. Since the fitness of a given species is intrinsically tied to a specific environment, when that environment is disturbed (e.g. through storms, fires, volcanic eruptions, etc.) some species may lose components of their competitive advantage which were useful in the previous version of the environment. 

    • Stabilizing mechanisms promote coexistence by concentrating intraspecific competition relative to interspecific competition. In other words, these mechanisms "encourage" an individual to compete more with other individuals of its own species, rather than with individuals of other species. Stabilizing mechanisms increase the low-density growth rate of all species. Resource partitioning (a type of niche differentiation) is a stabilizing mechanism because interspecific competition is reduced when different species primarily compete for different resources. Similarly, if species are differently affected by environmental variation (e.g., soil type, rainfall timing, etc.), this can create a stabilizing mechanism called the storage effect. The theory proposes one way for multiple species to coexist: in a changing environment, no species can be the best under all conditions (Chesson & Warner 1981). Instead, each species must have a unique response to varying environmental conditions, and a way of buffering against the effects of bad years. The storage effect gets its name because each population "stores" the gains in good years or microhabitats (patches) to help it survive population losses in bad years or patches. 


    15.4.4 Character Displacement

    Four finches are illustrated with different beaks. The top left finch has a short, narrow, pointed beak. The top right finch has a longer, strong, pointed beak. The bottom left finch has a longer, strong, round beak. The bottom right bird has a longer, taller, robust beak that is mostly blunt with a small point on the end.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\): Several species of Galapagos finches display character displacement. Each closely related species differs in beak size and beak depth, allowing them to coexist in the same region since each species eats a different type of seed: the seed best fit for its unique beak. The finches with the deeper, stronger beaks consume large, tough seeds, while the finches with smaller beaks consume the smaller, softer seeds.


    Character displacement is the phenomenon where differences among similar species whose distributions overlap geographically are accentuated in regions where the species co-occur, but are minimized or lost where the species' distributions do not overlap. This pattern results from evolutionary change driven by biological competition among species for a limited resource (e.g. food). The rationale for character displacement stems from the competitive exclusion principle, which contends that to coexist in a stable environment two competing species must differ in their respective ecological niche; without differentiation, one species will eliminate or exclude the other through competition.

    For example, Darwin's finches can be found alone or together on the Galapagos Islands. Both species' populations actually have more individuals with intermediate-sized beaks when they live on islands without the other species present. However, when both species are present on the same island, competition is intense between individuals that have intermediate-sized beaks of both species because they all require intermediate sized seeds. Consequently, individuals with small and large beaks have greater survival and reproduction on these islands than individuals with intermediate-sized beaks. Different finch species can coexist if they have traits—for instance, beak size—that allow them to specialize on particular resources. When Geospiza fortis and Geospiza fuliginosa are present on the same island, G. fuliginosa tends to evolve a small beak and G. fortis a large beak. The observation that competing species' traits are more different when they live in the same area than when competing species live in different areas is called character displacement. For the two finch species, beak size was displaced: beaks became smaller in one species and larger in the other species.



    Angert, A.L., Huxman, T.E., Chesson, P., & Venable, D.L. (2009). Functional tradeoffs determine species coexistence via the storage effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(28), pp. 11641–11645. doi:10.1073/pnas.0904512106

    Caldwell, J.P., & Vitt, L.J. (1999). Dietary asymmetry in leaf litter frogs and lizards in a transitional northern Amazonian rain forest. Oikos, 84(3), pp. 383–397. doi:10.2307/3546419

    Chase, J.M., Abrams, P.A., Grover, J.P., Diehl, S., Chesson, P., Holt, R.D., Richards, S.A., Nisbet, R.M., & Case, T.J. (2002). The interaction between predation and competition: A review and synthesis. Ecology Letters, 5(2), pp. 302–315. doi:10.1046/j.1461-0248.2002.00315.x

    Chesson, P., & Warner, R. (1981). Environmental variability promotes coexistence in lottery competitive systems. The American Naturalist, 117(6), pp. 923–943. doi:10.1086/283778

    Chesson, P. (2000). Mechanisms of maintenance of species diversity. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 31, pp. 343–366. doi:10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.31.1.343

    Chesson, P., & Kuang, J.J. (2008). The interaction between predation and competition. Nature, 456(7219), pp. 235–238. doi:10.1038/nature07248

    Grover, J.P. (1997). Resource competition (1st ed.). London: Chapman & Hall. ISBN 978-0412749308

    Hardin, G. (1960). The competitive exclusion principle. Science, 131(3409), pp. 1292–1297. doi:10.1126/science.131.3409.1292

    Holt, R.D., Grover, J., & Tilman, D. (1994). Simple rules for interspecific dominance in systems with exploitative and apparent competition. The American Naturalist, 144(5), pp. 741–771. doi:10.1086/285705

    Hutchinson, G.E. (1961). The paradox of the plankton. The American Naturalist, 95(882), pp. 137–145. doi:10.1086/282171

    MacArthur, R.H. (1958). Population ecology of some warblers of northeastern coniferous forests. Ecology, 39(4), pp. 599-619.

    Pacala, S.W., & Roughgarden, J. (1985). Population experiments with the Anolis lizards of St. Maarten and St. Eustatius. Ecology, 66(1), pp. 129–141. doi:10.2307/1941313

    Sedio, B.E., Ostling, A.M. (2013). How specialised must natural enemies be to facilitate coexistence among plants? Ecology Letters, 16(8), pp. 995–1003. doi:10.1111/ele.12130

    Tilman, D. (1980). Resources: A graphical-mechanistic approach to competition and predation. The American Naturalist, 116(3), pp. 362–393. doi:10.1086/283633


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